1st Annual UW Madison DPT Program Golf Outing - Saturday 16 September
Sponsored by the Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Organization (DPTSO)
Event Details
Saturday, September 16, 2017
2-8 p.m.
Yahara Hills Golf Course, 6701 Hwy 12 & 18 East, Madison, WI 53718 608-838-3126
This 1st Annual UW Madison DPT Program Golf Outing promises to provide a fun afternoon and evening!
The format for the outing is scramble style, shotgun start at 2pm. Games including longest drive, closest to the pin, and more! Dinner and raffle to follow!
Money raised will go towards new rehabilitation equipment for the Pro Bono Clinic, donations to the UW Body Donor Ceremony, professional development for our students and purchasing supplies for our Global Health Trips.
The format for the outing is scramble style, shotgun start at 2pm. Games including longest drive, closest to the pin, and more! Dinner and raffle to follow!
Money raised will go towards new rehabilitation equipment for the Pro Bono Clinic, donations to the UW Body Donor Ceremony, professional development for our students and purchasing supplies for our Global Health Trips.
Single golfer: $85 before 16 August, $95 after 16 August. Foresome: $340. Other options available-see website.