Feb 6 Stata Webinar: Incorporating Stata into reproducible documents—Webpages, Word, and PDF
What the newest version of Stata can do for you
Event Details
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
10-11 a.m.
Intended audience: Current Stata users and anyone with a need for statistical analysis software, particularly anyone involved with research.
Part of reproducible research is eliminating manual steps such as having to edit documents. The newest version of Stata - Stata 15 - introduces several commands that facilitate automated document production.
Learn how to automate the production of documents in various formats and how to include Stata results in those documents.
Part of reproducible research is eliminating manual steps such as having to edit documents. The newest version of Stata - Stata 15 - introduces several commands that facilitate automated document production.
Learn how to automate the production of documents in various formats and how to include Stata results in those documents.