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Badger Volunteers Education Session

Sustainable food resources and opportunities on campus and in the Madison community

Event Details

Monday, October 15, 2018
6-7 p.m.
Masley Media Room , Armory and Gymnasium (Red Gym)
As students our choices can feel limited, especially when it comes to food. With busy schedules, small budgets, and questionable cooking skills, it’s easy to gravitate towards foods that are most convenient and away from foods that are actually healthy for us, our communities, and the environment. Come to this presentation to learn about how the food you chose affects your community, and how to use the resources around you to develop a diet that’s healthier, enjoyable, and sustainable.
*These sessions are intended for those in Badger Volunteers, but is open to the public. We will promptly start at 2:30pm so please arrive a few minutes early
