"Plants and Human Well Being": In-Person Badger Talk in Madison, WI
Presenter: Irwin Goldman
Event Details
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
7 p.m.
5201 Fen Oak Dr #138 Madison, WI 53718
Join us on April 23, 2025, at 7:00 PM at the Dane County Extension for a talk on plants and human well-being.
Registration is required via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plants-and-human-well-being-tickets-1267870939109?utm-campaign=social. Hosted by the Madison Area Master Gardeners Association, this talk explores how plants shape our lives—from food and clothing to art and medicine.
Presenter Irwin Goldman will share insights on horticulture, human health, and vegetable genetics.
Registration is required via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plants-and-human-well-being-tickets-1267870939109?utm-campaign=social. Hosted by the Madison Area Master Gardeners Association, this talk explores how plants shape our lives—from food and clothing to art and medicine.
Presenter Irwin Goldman will share insights on horticulture, human health, and vegetable genetics.
We value inclusion and access for all participants and are pleased to provide reasonable accommodations for this event. Please call 608-263-7793 or email badgertalks@uwmad.wisc.edu to make a disability-related accommodation request. Requests should be made by Wednesday, April 9, 2025, though reasonable effort will be made to support late accommodation requests.