Monday, November 11, 2019
Writing Center Workshop
Grammar 2: Grammar and Editing for Style and Clarity (sec 2)
3-5 p.m.
6172 Helen C. White Hall
Research @ UW
CHARS hosts its research meet and greet for undergraduates in the BioCommons
3:30-5 p.m.
BioCommons (1st Floor), Steenbock Library
CPEP Seminar
Too hot to handle insects? Impacts of warming and drought on tree chemical defenses
3:30-4:30 p.m.
AOS Colloquium
Lorenzo Polvani - Why has the lower stratosphere stopped cooling for the last 20 years?
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Taichi: A Language for High-Performance Numerical Simulation and Differentiable Programming on Sparse Data Structures
Computer Graphics Seminar: Yuanming Hu (MIT/CSAIL)
4-5 p.m.
1240 Computer Sciences
2019 Cool Science Image Contest Exhibition
Mandelbaum & Albert Family Vision Gallery, 9th floor WIMR
4:30-6:30 p.m.
9th floor Vision Gallery, Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research
Multicultural Grad Student Support Group (MGN & UHS)
**Please note the location has changed!
5-6:30 p.m.
7906, UHS 7th floor, 333 East Campus Mall
"THE FRAGILE BEE" Exhibit By Nancy Macko
The Wisconsin Union
6 p.m.
The Main Gallery, Memorial Union