Monday, November 11, 2019
UW–Madison Startup Week
All day
Points of Departure: Inspirations from the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection
All day
The Ruth Davis Design Gallery, Nancy Nicholas Hall
Staggering Losses: World War 1 & the Influenza Pandemic of 1918
8 a.m.-7 p.m.
Ebling Library Historical Reading Room & 3rd Floor Galleries, Health Sciences Learning Center
Title and Total Compensation (TTC) Project November Forum
English only
9-10:30 a.m.
School of Nursing, 701 Highland Ave.
Writing Center Workshop
Cancelled--Communicating Your Writing Accessibility Needs with Course Instructors (sec 1 - for grads)
10-11:30 a.m.
Graaskamp Conference Room, 702 W. Johnson St.
Peace Corps Walk-In Advising
The Campus Peace Corps Recruiter can answer your questions!
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
200B Bascom Hall
Population Health Sciences Monday Seminar Series
J. Michael Collins, PhD, Chair of Consumer and Personal Finance, Associate Professor, School of Human Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
12-1 p.m.