Tuesday, February 9, 2010
All-Campus Party Informational Meeting for Student Orgs
Learn How to Get Your Student Organization Involved With WASB's All-Campus Party
6 p.m.
2120 Grainger Hall
Continuing Studies
Irish Tin Whistle: Beginning
6:15-7:30 p.m.
Youth Room, Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St
UW Space Place Guest Presentation
Many Wavelengths, Many Telescopes: How Observatories Reflect the Challenges of Astronomy
7-8 p.m.
2300 S. Park Street
Student Fireside Chat
How Can One "Give" in the Modern World?
7 p.m.
Room 202, The Crossing, 1127 University Ave.
Rüdiger Singer: 'Wie beschreibt man Schauspielkunst?'
"Mimen-Ekphrasis' am Beispiel von Garrick als Hamlet
7 p.m.
Division of Continuing Studies: Languages
Spanish for Reading Knowledge
7 p.m.
seventh floor, 21 N. Park St.