Monday, November 22, 2021
Exhibition - Derek Hibbs: Ramshackle
9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Using Financial Aid towards Study Abroad
Drop-in Advising Sessions
12-2 p.m.
Study Abroad Resource Center (3rd Floor Red Gym)
Population Health Sciences Monday Seminar Series
Marguerite Burns, PhD; Associate Professor; Department of Population Health Sciences; University of Wisconsin-Madison
12-1 p.m.
Gendering Protest and Revolutionary Moments: the significance of body politics in the Middle East, with Nadje Al-Ali (Br
Part of the Middle East Studies Fall Lecture Series
2 p.m.
Biochemistry Colloquium: Vatsan Raman
Deciphering the Molecular Code of Bacteriophage-host Interactions by Deep Mutational Scanning
3 p.m.
Ebling Symposium Center, Microbial Sciences
The Standing Rock Sioux and the No Dakota Access Pipeline Movement
Sustainable Energy Seminar
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Peace Corps Hybrid In-Person or Virtual Advising
Drop-in for Advising in whatever way you are most comfortable. Masks required for in-person.
4-6 p.m.
Guest Speaker - Michelle Ranavat
Science, Sourcing and Skincare: How one UW-ISyE alum leveraged her engineering background to launch a national skincare line.
4:55 p.m.