Sunday, December 8, 2024
UW-Madison Print Class Annual Show
All day
Giant Jones Brewing Company 931 E Main St, STE 9, Madison, WI
Sunday Tour: Petah Coyne: How Much A Heart Can Hold
Join our tour of Petah Coyne's work and explore its literary inspirations!
12-1 p.m.
Live from the Mead Witter School of Music presents: Mozart's Gran Partita
12:30 p.m.
Collins Recital Hall, Hamel Music Center
Indoor Animal Artifacts
Friends of the Lakeshore Nature Preserve field trip
1:30-3 p.m.
A228 Russell Laboratories
Winter Choral Concert #1 - Student Ensemble Series
Mead Witter School of Music
2 p.m.
Mead Witter Foundation Concert Hall, Hamel Music Center
At The Chazen: Austen, Kawabata, Oates and Didion On Film
Play It As It Lays | USA | 1972 | 35mm | 99 min. Director: Frank Perry
2 p.m.
Kloepper Concert
Dance Department Student Concert
2:30 p.m.
Margaret H'Doubler Performance Space, Lathrop Hall
Winter Choral Concert #2 - Student Ensemble Series
Mead Witter School of Music
5 p.m.
Mead Witter Foundation Concert Hall, Hamel Music Center